How Social Media can Benefit SEO!

SEO is a major business strategy that is used by every business firm these days. Along with it, it is also important to make effective use of social media marketing as that can help in bringing more traffic to the business website.

Both SEO and social media marketing are inbound and organic strategies that effectively focus on enhancing the appeal of a brand and attract visitors naturally. Social media greatly relies on top quality content along with strong and visible brand presence. Therefore the efforts that you implement on SEO methods can truly improve the reach of your social media. It can also help you to boost your search rankings.

Here are some of the most important benefits that you can obtain from social media marketing.

Increasing the followers of your business

The number of followers that you have through your brand’s social media profiles can have a major impact on your SERP rankings. The more are the numbers of likes and followers that you have through sites like FaceBook and Twitter, the greater are your chances of having greater visibility in Google search rankings. Google can easily detect the quality and numbers of your followers. Hence you should focus on building your followers organically instead of buying large numbers of proxy followers. While this means that you need to spend more time in improving your Search Engine Ranking and social media marketing strategies, it can provide you with the fruits at the end of the day. You should try to present your company and brand in a unique and consistent manner.

A good way to do this is to post useful articles, open inquiries, helpful tips and create general discussion items. You can then follow up and initiate discussions with your users simply by engaging them in a direct conversation. Such conversations can lead to direct customer engagements which can help you to build and manage a substantial interactive following. This also paves the way for you to encourage new and potential followers to take an interest in your brand.

Optimizing your posts regularly for searches

It is not only important for you to create top quality and useful content for your followers but you should also optimize your posts. In order to do this, you must have some pre-existing content to start with. Apart from Knowledge Graph entries and news articles, Google loves to have social media updates regularly posted in the SERPs. By optimizing the posts, you can have more numbers of people reading them and taking an interest in what you have to offer.

To achieve the best results, make sure that you use an infographic, a video, or a link to an article as an anchor for your post. Next, as you post the content, frame the foundation with the text that has been optimized for some specific search.

Trying to accumulate more external inbound links

The social media channels are extremely useful when you are looking to have plenty of external websites to link their portals to your content. The more numbers of diverse external links that you have, the greater authority you are going to have as per Google’s recommendations. It is however important that you only have the best of high quality and authoritative content. Unless you do so, you are not going to have anything to attract such links.

The social media mainly serves as a platform for promoting your content. However, it is still important that you have good content to begin with. If your content is unique, useful and of high quality, then the social media channels can serve as networks through which you can have the desired numbers of followers and customers. Make sure that your present your content on the currently existing discussions and threads as it can help your content to generate authority and the enhance potential sources of external links.

Influencing the phenomenon of social sharing

Just like external links, social sharing also contributes to building a brand’s overall authority. For Google and other search engines, any indication of a verifiable external source validating your brand or your content is grounds for a small improvement in domain authority. This means that the more number of people sharing your content, the greater is its validity and importance in the eyes of Google. Likes, favorites, shares, replies as well as retweets lead to developing such increased authority. It has been proven time and again that the finest way of promoting increased social sharing is by appealing to the users directly. Another benefit of sharing is that the more numbers of people is going to share such a type of content across various social media platforms, the greater interest will people take on the content. This will again lead them to share or like the content even more as they spread it to a new audience.

10 reasons small businesses need to use social media

Are you a small business owner who is struggling with competition and trying to find new ways to improve your business returns? Then you should definitely use social media marketing as it can help you to reach out to a large base of customers and develop your brand. You might think that social media marketing is something that is meant for only large business firms but you could not be more wrong. Numerous businesses have already improved their ROI with social media marketing and you can do so as well.

Here are the top 10 reasons as to why should you consider investing in social media marketing.   

Helps to enhance brand recognition

With effective social media marketing, you can enjoy the fruits of greater brand recognition within a small span of time. You can make new customers easily and offer better products and services to your existing customers. Social media helps you to reach out to a large base of potential customers rather easily. When you have an active presence in multiple social media sites, it can only lead to further brand recognition and increase brand reliability.

Greater conversion rates

Without accelerating conversion rates, it would be difficult for you to boost the financial returns of your business. Social media marketing helps you to enhance your conversion rates and allows your customers to know the human side of the company behind the brand. This is something that you will need when you are looking to boost brand engagement and confidence. As most buyers these days only communicate with a company through the technical side of their online presence, having a strong social media presence helps you to show your customers that you care for them.

Serves as an excellent channel for lead generation

Need More Leads for your Business

Lead generation is vital for optimum business results. When you share posts on different social media accounts, it actually helps you to generate more leads for your company. With the right kind of social media marketing, you can have access to old and new customers and even appeal to potential first time customers who may want to try out what your business has to offer.

Enhances search engine ranking and boosts inbound traffic

As you post more amounts of high quality content on social media, your inbound traffic is going to soar even higher. With more traffic you naturally have greater number of conversions. It has also been found that social media marketing can greatly boost rankings in the search engine result pages. 

Greater brand loyalty

It is a well known fact that social media marketing can help in enhancing brand loyalty. With social media you can connect with your target audience and help you to make sure that they become loyal followers of your business for many years to come.

Offers fast return on investment

Greater conversion and Fast ROI

A major reason why many small business owners fails to make their mark while competing with big names is that they find it incredibly difficult to keep up with the high end marketing strategies that are adopted by the large firms. Such marketing methods require a lot of money and not everyone can afford to spend such a hefty sum. However, compared to traditional marketing techniques, social media marketing can be used by practically anyone and it is this that makes it possible for them to have the edge they want against their competitors. Once you open up social media profiles with leading platforms like FaceBook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest, you can find that your business prospects enhances in a short time. 

Brings down marketing costs

One of the main reason for you as a small business owner to try out social media marketing is that it can very easily bring down your marketing costs to a great extent. Most of the social media channels allow business owners to make free profiles. You can then hire a digital marketing agency to maintain your profile and post top quality content on a regular basis so that it generates interest among your audience. However, even though maintaining social media profiles incurs a cost, the total expenditure is still much less than what you may need to pay when you use traditional methods of advertising. You can then save a lot of money and put such resources into better use.   

Better Audience Insights

potential customers for social media

When you use social media advertising, you get to directly interact with your current and potential customers on a regular basis. This means that you get to develop a fair idea about their preferences, needs, likes and dislikes, buying tendencies and information on demographics. Such knowledge can come as extremely handy when you are looking to build your business and promote it through social media. 

Excellent sharing of information

Social media is a highly aggressive platform when it comes to sharing information. In fact, news about your business can spread like wildfire within just a few hours. This is much better than other advertising methods that may take many weeks for you to get noticed. 

It helps in developing connections with other businesses

Social media is a great way to communicate with various industry experts and other business owners. These can help you to get connected with new distributors and also form strategic business partnerships that can be beneficial for your company. It can also help you to come up with new plans and ideas which may help you in generating better business results in the long run.

Six Smart Ways to Promote Your Business Online

Effective advertising is the key to promote and popularize your business. Creating a brand and earning customer trust is a long and tedious process. Whether you are an old timer or have just started a new business; there is no substitute for advertising! In fact in today’s technology driven world online and mobile advertising has taken on a completely new meaning. Practically everyone is online 24 * 7! Androids, Tablets, Mobile Phones and other devices have opened up a sea of opportunities for advertisers.

Interestingly most new and old businesses seem to have understood the value of reaching out to their target audience online. The web-space is flooded with ecommerce sites that sell practically everything under the sun! In a situation such as this, one begins to wonder as to how to stand out and grab eyeballs. After all there are hundreds of other businesses selling the same product and service as yours on the Internet; and probably in the same geographic. So what can you do to give your website the right push? The key to reaching out to your target audience lies in appearing on top of Search Engine results.

This brings us to the moot point. How to promote your business online?

Six Smart Ways to Promote your Business Online!

To begin with you must have a clear vision and a proper strategy to market your product or service. In case you have something that others providers cannot provide, that’ll definitely give you an edge over your competitors. People are always looking for something new. And in case your product is run of the mill then the least you can do is to package old wine in a new and fancy bottle in style! That works as well!Your website must be able to turn your site visitors into business prospects, with a strong ‘Call to Action’.Check out the following smart hacks that can actually help you promote your business online.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

The main objective of Search Engine Marketing is to get maximum online visibility for your business. SEM basically involves advertising through paid advertisements. These ads are keyword enriched and tend to appear on SERP results when users enter keywords on search engines for specific products or services. ‘Keyword management strategy’ plays a key role when creating effective ads for specific products and services. Extensive research for keywords related to your business is extremely important. There are tools that give you detailed information about each ‘suggested’ keyword. For example you will get to know the search volume and competitiveness, so you can pick relevant terms that can give your website maximum mileage. A good tool will also suggest a list of ‘negative keywords’ that you should avoid?

When designing an advert, you must pay special attention to ‘keyword grouping’. Your Ad account structure can make all the difference to your campaign. After all that is the best way to achieve higher ‘click through rates’ at lower costs.

Search Advertising

Google Adwords search advertising focuses on paid ads for Google. It is similar to advertising on other search engines like Bing and Yahoo. But Google has certain specifications for all paid ads that are displayed during relevant keyword searches. Organising related keywords into Ad groups is done on the basis of certain specifications unique to Google. A grouped Ads form a campaign. A successful campaign depends on everything from picking the correct variations and keyword match types. A clear understanding of concepts like ‘Broad Match’, ‘Phrase Match’, ‘Exact Match’ and ‘Negative Match’ make all the difference to your campaign. A good campaign manager understands the impact of Ad Positioning that depends on Ad Rank. Ad Rank is basically determined by the Quality Score of your Ad group.

Display Advertising

The Google Display Network gives your business that extra edge by allowing you to connect with your target audience. The extensive variety of Ad formats enables you to extend your outreach across the web space. The idea is show up at the right place at the right time. Google’s display network spreads across millions of websites that actually covers about 90 percent of the Internet surfing population.

There are certain things that you can do to achieve maximum web visibility. Contextual targeting is one such. You have the freedom to choose certain types of pages and sites where you wish your ads to be displayed. That way you can define your niche audience. Manual placements also give you an extra edge, so that you can pick specific sites, RSS feeds, mobile apps, online videos et al where you can display your advert.

Social Media Marketing

Almost everyone who can use a phone or a mobile device is on the Social Media. Be it Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Whatsapp, YouTube, Linkedin, et al, 80 percent of the potential customers are active on some forum or the other. Almost everyone these days has an opinion about practically everything! So if you are not there you’ll lose out on a lot of relevant conversation that can actually help you map your target audience. Forums like Facebook allow you to create a complete Business Page that can be used solely for marketing. Social media works wonders for small businesses. These forums are informal and allow you to exchange views, comments and feedback with your followers, customers and potential consumers.

Mobile Ads

Mobile advertisements play a very important role in helping to promote your business online. ‘App-install-ads’ is the new way to promote your business. These ads prompt visitors to download a mobile app. The good thing about these ads that they can be tracked and quantified very easily!


Web SEO Analytics, Social Media Analytics and Advertising Analytics: all help to promote your business online. There are free channels as well as paid forums through which you can advertise. Analytics only help in strategically planning, executing and measuring your online campaigns.